Fast Food Lunch

Yesterday I had a full day back at school getting my Food Safety Certification. Man, I have to say that some *legal* practices are just shockingly bad!! Anyway, I had been up late preparing for the Farmers’ Market (which my sweet husband manned all by himself yesterday) and I had to get up so early that the idea of breakfast was more than I could handle. I knew I would be there until late and that I would need to take my lunch. Standing there in the kitchen with five minutes until I had to walk out of the door, I started thinking about which fast food joints have something I could eat. And then I realized how freaking silly that thought was and put together this quick chia pudding:

20130811-131452.jpg it has chia seeds, almond milk, goji berries, fresh strawberries and maple syrup. On my way out, I grabbed a pack of my kale chips and some water.


It was enough to keep me going all day. I know that it isn’t revolutionary or anything but taking care if yourself and making good food choices is really easy! You just have to make sure you are prepared and that you have an arsenal of awesome and nutritious ingredients on hand to throw something together at a moments notice.
We have a busy week ahead and are looking forward to tomorrow and making some magic happen in our lives! What about you- are you welcoming or dreading Monday?

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